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The draft Regeneration Framework has now been considered by Wyre Council’s senior management team who have made a number of additional suggestions. This, together with additional work by theme leads, has led to some changes with some interventions being merged (for example public realm projects), some moving from one theme to a different theme (for example, car parking moving from the High Street theme to the Transport theme) and some additional interventions in the Education, Skills and Employment theme.

This has meant that the timeframe for publication of the draft Framework for public comment has slipped a little and it will now be published on 4 April.

Once we have completed the public comment phase the final Regeneration Framework (with any amendments deemed necessary) will be formally adopted and published by the Board in May.

This document will give us the basis for working up detailed project plans and funding bids in the months and years ahead.

In addition to discussing the draft Regeneration Framework the Board received a very interesting presentation from B4RN (Broadband for the Rural North) with which some of you are undoubtedly familiar, and an update from Wyre Council on the Levelling Up grant and UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The Board will be looking in more detail at these funding streams as more information on the next rounds of applications becomes available.

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