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Thank you to those of you who took part in the public consultation exercise in late August/early September.

The drop in session at St Thomas’ Church Hall was well attended and the consultants and Board members were able to explain the process to and answer questions from those who visited on the day. The exhibition then moved to the Visit Garstang Centre for viewing and was available to view online on Wyre Council’s website.

Residents had the opportunity to complete a paper questionnaire or to complete the questionnaire online.

All those responses have now been collated and there is overwhelming support for “Scenario 2 – Balanced ambitions for economic growth”.

This scenario suggested initiatives such as a more pedestrian focussed town centre; a stronger “café culture” and the development of an evening economy; interventions to address town centre car parking issues and reassessment of the current leisure, library and swimming offer.

The consultation sparked lively debate on social media too and we’ve collated those responses to make sure a range of views have been captured.

The consultants are now working on a draft “preferred vision” for the future of Garstang Town Centre which will be presented for further public consultation in December.

The dates for the second public consultation will be announced as soon as they are available.

Keep informed here on our website, or on Facebook (TheGreaterGarstangPartnershipBoard) and on Twitter (greatergarstang).

Jan Finch

Chair, Greater Garstang Partnership Board

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